
Patent Registration



Patent search
  • Search Report
  • Attorney Prepared
  • 1 Article
Provisional Filing
  • Application Preparation
  • Temporary Protection
  • Filing on IPIndia
  • Application Preparation
  • Full Protection
  • Filing on IPIndia

Secure your invention with our tailored Patent Registration services, designed to fit every need and budget. Whether you’re looking for an initial patent search, provisional filing, or complete patent registration, we offer a range of options to suit your requirements. Safeguard your intellectual property and ensure your ideas remain protected, legally and commercially.

Protect your inventions today with our cost-effective Patent Registration services. Choose the plan that fits your needs and safeguard your intellectual property!


Patent Registration – Affordable Solutions to Protect Your Innovations!

Secure your invention with our tailored Patent Registration services, designed to fit every need and budget. Whether you’re looking for an initial patent search, provisional filing, or complete patent registration, we offer a range of options to suit your requirements. Safeguard your intellectual property and ensure your ideas remain protected, legally and commercially.

Choose the Right Patent Registration Package:

Patent Search:
  • Search Report: Get a detailed search report to evaluate the uniqueness of your invention and its potential for patentability.
  • Attorney Prepared: Our experienced patent attorneys prepare a thorough patent search, ensuring accuracy and clarity.
  • 1 Article: Includes an in-depth review of one patent-related article to give you a better understanding of the process and scope.
Provisional Filing:
  • Application Preparation: Our team assists in drafting and preparing a provisional application, giving you a head start in securing protection.
  • Temporary Protection: Enjoy temporary protection for your invention while you prepare for full patent filing.
  • Filing on IPIndia: We handle all formalities and file your provisional patent application on IPIndia.
Regular Patent Filing:
  • Full Application Preparation: Our expert team drafts and prepares a complete patent application, ensuring every detail of your invention is protected.
  • Full Protection: Secure full legal protection for your invention, providing you with long-term rights and exclusivity.
  • Filing on IPIndia: We manage the entire process of filing your full patent application with IPIndia, ensuring compliance and accuracy.

Benefits of Patent Registration

Exclusive Rights:

    • Monopoly Over Your Invention: Patent registration grants you exclusive rights to use, produce, sell, and license your invention for a specified period, preventing others from copying or utilizing it without your permission.
    • Legal Ownership: Once registered, you have legal proof of ownership, allowing you to control how your invention is used in the marketplace.

Market Advantage:

    • Competitive Edge: A registered patent gives you a significant advantage by restricting competitors from entering your market space with similar inventions, thus enhancing your market position.
    • Increased Credibility: Holding a patent boosts your brand’s credibility and adds prestige, making your business more attractive to investors, customers, and partners.

Potential for Revenue Generation:

    • Licensing Opportunities: You can license your patent to other companies or individuals, creating an additional stream of income without manufacturing the invention yourself.
    • Increased Company Valuation: Patents are valuable business assets that can increase the overall value of your company, especially when seeking investments or partnerships.

Temporary and Full Protection:

    • Provisional Protection: Filing a provisional patent gives you temporary protection and an early priority date while you finalize your full patent application. This ensures your idea is secured during the development process.
    • Full Patent Rights: Once a full patent is filed and approved, you get long-term protection (up to 20 years), giving you exclusive control over your invention’s production and commercialization.

Encourages Innovation:

    • Incentive for Creativity: By registering a patent, you encourage further innovation and development within your business, leading to new products or technologies that can further differentiate you from competitors.
    • Access to Funding: Startups and innovators with patented products often find it easier to secure funding, as investors are more likely to invest in companies with protected intellectual property.

Defensive Strategy:

    • Prevents Legal Disputes: Owning a patent deters potential infringers and competitors from copying your invention, reducing the likelihood of legal disputes and infringement cases.
    • Enforceable Rights: If someone does infringe on your patent, you have legal grounds to enforce your rights and seek compensation, ensuring that your invention is protected.

Global Recognition:

    • International Protection: Many patent registration processes allow for international filings, enabling your invention to be protected in multiple countries, thus extending your market reach and revenue potential globally.

Enhanced Marketability:

    • Attracts Investors and Buyers: Patented products are more appealing to investors and buyers because they know your product is unique and legally protected, making it a safer and more lucrative investment.
    • Increased Demand: Patented innovations often attract more attention and demand in the market, as they represent cutting-edge, exclusive technologies.

By registering your patent through our services, you not only protect your invention but also enhance your business’s growth potential, market position, and revenue opportunities.


Patent Registration



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